It’s time to make some changes around here.  In order to enable me to write about other subjects that I’d be interested in writing about (and  in the interest of starting a YouTube channel to supplement based on this same concept), I am migrating my entire website to this format and moving it to the top level domain that is  I know having the site under my own name really isn’t all that mysterious or catchy but I really fail when it comes to naming websites most of the time.  Maybe I’ll throw something in a new logo some day.

That aside, there will be other sections added to this website and it is going to be moved to the top level by the end of the week.  Some tweaks will be made here and there in order to make everything functional, and I do anticipate it breaking at times over the next couple days since I will be starting maintenance, effective immediately, in the live environment.  After this happens, I will have a lot more content and thoughts to share.  My music, triathlon, and other hobbies- and interests-related content will all be in one place but separated into appropriate categories.  The menu will be restructured to be simple to navigate around all the topics (I hope).  If it turns out I need a new theme to present my ideas more effectively, I may turn to that.  But right now I’m happy with how it is so far.  I’m sure it will work out in the end.

I look forward to opening new doors and minds with these site changes and I hope you enjoy what I have coming up in the very near future.

Thanks for reading and supporting this site!